Our company, which started to serve the sector in 2005, as Yıldız Metal in 2010; It offers the best quality and innovative products in the sector in its factory with the manufacture of infuser strainers.

It has a modern company understanding with special product development for our customers, technical support after sales and close customer relations. In Turkey, the world's standard or not with different designs that you can find in many parts of the Stars metal products, we continue to serve you with our valued customers.

The basis of our Quality Policy is to ensure customer satisfaction as a result of process excellence. For this purpose, by establishing Quality Management Systems in accordance with the international standards required by the sector, we implement and develop the Total Quality Management System.

Our goal; To reinforce customer satisfaction with the happiness of our employees and our business by producing quality products on time and economically.

Quality conditions apply to all departments. All employees aim quality reliability and zero error with the awareness of prevention.

For this, it is aimed to provide Process Excellence as a result of continuous improvement. By directing the success, strategy and planning, employees, resources and quality management system and processes with an effective leadership understanding in matters of customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction and impact on society
and thus excellence in financial and non-financial business results.

Quality Assurance Manager is the Representative of the Management. It is responsible and authorized for the establishment and maintenance of processes for the establishment of a quality management system in accordance with quality standards. It reports to the management on the performance of the quality management system in order to be based on the review and improvement of the quality management system, and provides support in understanding customer expectations regarding quality management systems within our company.